Durante l'evento che si terrà il prossimo 2 luglio presso la sede di Borsa Italiana si parlerà, tra l'altro, di Sustainability, Innovation, Growth.
08.30 Registration
09.00 Institutional Introduction
Welcome Speech - R. Jerusalmi, CEOBorsa Italiana
Deep Dive into Fourth Industrial Revolution: How it will change Business, Work & the Planet -
M. Esposito, Professor, Harvard University’s Division of Continuing Education & President of Nexus FrontierTech
Long term Investing and Sustainability -
I. Mateos y Lago, Global Macro Strategist, BlackRock Investment Institute
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 «Keep Learning» Session
Innovation for Sustainable Growth: the Role of Leading Players
Strategy, Reporting, Communication
13.00 Lunch Break
14.00 «Keep Learning» Session
Green Bonds: toward Shared Standards
Meetings with Investors on ESG Topics: from Preparation to Discussion
Investors Engagement: Dialogue and Voting
Sustainability Strategy and Disclosure for Small Caps
17.00 Networking Cocktail