"ERSTE RESPONSIBLE STOCK AMERICA is a sustainability equity fund that primarily invests in shares of selected companies based or stock exchange listed in North America. The fund's investment process is based on fundamental business analysis. When selecting stocks, high-quality, high-growth companies are used. Investing in shares of companies that are pioneers in terms of ecological, social and governance aspects is the focus of the investment decision. A holistic ESG approach also takes ethical aspects into account. Hedging against foreign currency risks is generally not provided, but is possible."
Rendimento annuo | 1 anno | 3 anni | 5 anni | Inizio | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
Rendimento annuo: Fondo | 1 anno: 16,79 | 3 anni: 10,84 | 5 anni: 12,74 | Inizio: 7,23 | 2025: -0,58 | 2024: 25,84 | 2023: 16,94 | 2022: -16,27 | 2021: 36,30 |
Rendimento annuo: Categoria | 1 anno: 22,71 | 3 anni: 14,02 | 5 anni: 13,19 | Inizio: - | 2025: 2,47 | 2024: 29,09 | 2023: 20,03 | 2022: -14,29 | 2021: 34,61 |
Rendimento annuo: Percentile | 1 anno: 89,00 | 3 anni: 86,00 | 5 anni: 64,00 | Inizio:- | 2025: 100,00 | 2024: 77,00 | 2023: 77,00 | 2022: 76,00 | 2021: 47,00 |
Rischio | Volatilità | Sharpe Ratio | Correlazione | Beta | Alfa | Tracking error | Info Ratio |
Rischio: 3 anni | 1 Volatilità: 13,91 | 3 Sharpe Ratio: 0,23 | 5 Correlazione: 91,48 | Beta: 0,80 | Alfa: -2,42 | Tracking error: 6,93 | Info Ratio: -0,57 |
Fonte: Morningstar.
Dati in euros.
Categoria: US Large-Cap Blend Equity. Data: 2025-02-18
Fonte: Morningstar.
Dati in euros.
Categoria: US Large-Cap Blend Equity. Data: 2025-02-18