The investment objective is to outperform
- the daily capitalized EONIA rate by 2.1% for EUR-SR units, by 2.5% for EUR-R units, by 2.9% for EUR-N units and by 3% for the two EUR-I units;
- the GBP 1-month LIBOR by 2.95% for HGBP-I units and by 3% for HGBP-IC (PRF) units;
- the CHF 1-month LIBOR by 2.1% for HCHF-SR units, by 2.5% for HCHF-R units and by 3% for HCHF-I units;
- the USD 1-month LIBOR by 2.1% for HUSD-SR units, by 2.5% for HUSD-R units, by 2.9% for HUSD-N units and by 3% for HUSD-I units;
- the 1-month SGD SIBOR by 2.1% for HSGD-SR units, by 2.5% for HSGD-R units and by 3% for HSGD-I units;
- the JPY 1-month LIBOR by 3% for HJPY-IC units;
by implementing a management process based upon strategic and tactical positions, as well as arbitrages on all global fixed income and currency markets, over the minimum recommended investment period after deduction of operating and management fees.

Rendimento annuo 1 anno 3 anni 5 anni Inizio 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
Rendimento annuo: Fondo 1 anno: 46,51 3 anni: 11,47 5 anni: 4,25 Inizio: 11,45 2025: 9,44 2024: 35,43 2023: 5,52 2022: -46,18 2021: 39,02
Rendimento annuo: Categoria 1 anno: -2,17 3 anni: -0,48 5 anni: -0,76 Inizio: - 2025: -1,96 2024: -2,39 2023: 3,17 2022: -2,48 2021: 7,88
Rendimento annuo: Percentile 1 anno: 3,00 3 anni: 4,00 5 anni: 9,00 Inizio:- 2025: 5,00 2024: 1,00 2023: 22,00 2022: 97,00 2021: 4,00
Rischio Volatilità Sharpe Ratio Correlazione Beta Alfa Tracking error Info Ratio
Rischio: 3 anni 1 Volatilità: - 3 Sharpe Ratio: - 5 Correlazione: - Beta: - Alfa: - Tracking error: - Info Ratio: -
Fonte: Morningstar. Dati in euros. Categoria: Macro Trading EUR. Data: 2023-07-06
Fonte: Morningstar. Dati in euros. Categoria: Macro Trading EUR. Data: 2023-07-06