This Sub-Fund aims to generate returns by actively managing a portfolio of debt securities and Money Market Instruments issued mainly by financial institutions and companies. When selecting investments the Investment Manager shall analyse, maintain and update the credit rating of future investments and shall ensure that the average rating of the portfolio is BBB- or better. The Investment Manager will always take into consideration the quality and diversity of issuers and sectors along with the maturity date.

Rendimento annuo 1 anno 3 anni 5 anni Inizio 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
Rendimento annuo: Fondo 1 anno: 6,39 3 anni: 0,76 5 anni: -0,12 Inizio: 1,30 2025: 0,81 2024: 4,87 2023: 8,34 2022: -13,90 2021: -1,12
Rendimento annuo: Categoria 1 anno: 6,25 3 anni: 0,66 5 anni: -0,18 Inizio: - 2025: 0,79 2024: 4,57 2023: 7,72 2022: -13,37 2021: -0,97
Rendimento annuo: Percentile 1 anno: 34,00 3 anni: 38,00 5 anni: 37,00 Inizio:- 2025: 18,00 2024: 34,00 2023: 34,00 2022: 53,00 2021: 50,00
Rischio Volatilità Sharpe Ratio Correlazione Beta Alfa Tracking error Info Ratio
Rischio: 3 anni 1 Volatilità: 6,57 3 Sharpe Ratio: -0,35 5 Correlazione: 99,75 Beta: 0,96 Alfa: 0,44 Tracking error: 0,52 Info Ratio: 1,08
Fonte: Morningstar. Dati in euros. Categoria: EUR Corporate Bond. Data: 2025-02-14
Fonte: Morningstar. Dati in euros. Categoria: EUR Corporate Bond. Data: 2025-02-14