The sub-fund aims to provide long term total return with a low correlation to traditional asset classes. The sub-fund’s average volatility is expected to be around 7% over the investment horizon. It may fluctuate due to market conditions and the annualised volatility could be lower or higher than this level.
The sub-fund employs long/short investment strategies within a set of distinct investment styles (“Styles”) and across a diversified range of asset classes (including equity, fixed income and currency) on a global basis, including Emerging Markets. These strategies are not cash-neutral and may assume directional exposure to each of the asset classes in which the sub-fund invests.
The Styles employed by the sub-fund include, but are not limited to, carry, value and momentum.
Rendimento annuo |
1 anno |
3 anni |
5 anni |
Inizio |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
Rendimento annuo: Fondo |
1 anno: 7,63 |
3 anni: 2,98 |
5 anni: 1,27 |
Inizio: 1,96 |
2024: 6,59 |
2023: 2,46 |
2022: 0,90 |
2021: -2,95 |
2020: -0,23 |
Rendimento annuo: Categoria |
1 anno: 7,71 |
3 anni: 3,69 |
5 anni: 2,15 |
Inizio: -
| 2024: 6,61 |
2023: 3,59 |
2022: -2,50 |
2021: 4,15 |
2020: -1,13 |
Rendimento annuo: Percentile |
1 anno: 28,00 |
3 anni: 23,00 |
5 anni: 59,00 |
| 2024: 15,00 |
2023: 61,00 |
2022: 24,00 |
2021: 95,00 |
2020: 50,00 |
Rischio |
Volatilità |
Sharpe Ratio |
Correlazione |
Beta |
Alfa |
Tracking error |
Info Ratio |
Rischio: 3 anni |
1 Volatilità: 3,55 |
3 Sharpe Ratio: 0,38 |
5 Correlazione: -16,77 |
Beta: -0,09 |
Alfa: 1,13 |
Tracking error: 7,62 |
Info Ratio: 0,46 |
Fonte: Morningstar.
Dati in euros.
Categoria: Multistrategy EUR. Data: 2024-10-01
Fonte: Morningstar.
Dati in euros.
Categoria: Multistrategy EUR. Data: 2024-10-01