Franklin Emerging Market Corporate Debt Fund I acc USD

Motivo del rating:
  • -Buena relación rentabilidad/riesgo

ISIN: LU2115462470

Categoría Morningstar: Global Emerging Markets Corporate Bond

Empresa: Franklin Templeton

The Fund's objective is to achieve income yield and long-term capital appreciation. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily in fixed and floating rate debt securities and debt obligations of any maturity or credit quality (which may include predominantly or even, exclusively, non-investment grade, low-rated and/or unrated securities), of (i) corporate issuers and (ii) government-related issuers (including but not limited to companies majoritarily owned by national or local governments or international organisations which are supported by several governments, including national and international development banks), which are located in emerging market countries and/or deriving a significant proportion of their economic activity from developing or emerging countries. The Fund may also invest in Money Market Instruments.

Rentabilidad anual 1 año 3 años 5 años Inicio 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
Rentabilidad anual: Fondo 1 año: 12,25 3 años: 7,18 5 años: 4,42 Inicio: 6,67 2025: 1,00 2024: 15,54 2023: 7,09 2022: -3,46 2021: 8,87
Rentabilidad anual: Categoría 1 año: 11,17 3 años: 4,38 5 años: 1,75 Inicio: - 2025: 0,48 2024: 14,22 2023: 3,93 2022: -8,49 2021: 6,50
Rentabilidad anual: Percentil 1 año: 25,00 3 años: 7,00 5 años: 8,00 Inicio:- 2025: 10,00 2024: 29,00 2023: 10,00 2022: 12,00 2021: 12,00
Riesgo Volatilidad Ratio Sharpe Correlación Beta Alfa Tracking error Info Ratio
Riesgo: 3 años 1 Volatilidad: 6,69 3 Ratio Sharpe: -0,10 5 Correlación: 93,24 Beta: 0,79 Alfa: 2,63 Tracking error: 3,03 Info Ratio: 1,17
Fuente: Morningstar. Datos en euros. Categoría: Global Emerging Markets Corporate Bond. Fecha: 2025-02-14
Fuente: Morningstar. Datos en euros. Categoría: Global Emerging Markets Corporate Bond. Fecha: 2025-02-14