The actively managed Sub-Fund is a dynamic fund seeking long-term performance through exposure on growth securities in international markets. Particularly the Sub-Fund seeks to invest in companies developing Artificial Intelligence and/or companies benefiting from it. The objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve, over the recommended investment period, a performance net of fees higher than that of its benchmark index, the MSCI World Index Net Total Return. However, the Sub-Fund does not aim to replicate the performance of this index and the composition of the portfolio may therefore differ significantly from that of its performance indicator (i.e. the Sub-Fund may invest in instruments that are not part of the benchmark index). The index is not consistent with environmental and social characteristics promoted by the Sub-Fund. The Reference Currency of the Sub-Fund is in Euro (“EUR”).

Rentabilidade anual 1 ano 3 anos 5 anos Início 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
Rentabilidade anual: Fundo 1 ano: 33,14 3 anos: 8,63 5 anos: 11,13 Início: 13,60 2025: 7,39 2024: 36,29 2023: 52,36 2022: -54,23 2021: 7,63
Rentabilidade anual: Categoria 1 ano: 23,31 3 anos: 6,81 5 anos: 14,52 Início: - 2025: 3,84 2024: 19,16 2023: 39,30 2022: -36,21 2021: 13,92
Rentabilidade anual: Percentil 1 ano: 27,00 3 anos: 67,00 5 anos: 75,00 Início:- 2025: 18,00 2024: 27,00 2023: 16,00 2022: 99,00 2021: 84,00
Risco Volatilidade Rácio de Sharpe Correlação Beta Alfa Tracking error Rácio de informação
Risco: 3 anos 1 Volatilidade: 29,30 3 Rácio de Sharpe: 0,11 5 Correlação: 81,29 Beta: 1,03 Alfa: -7,94 Tracking error: 17,07 Rácio de informação: -0,58
Fonte: Morningstar. Dados em euros. Categoria: Sector Equity Technology. Data: 2025-02-06
Fonte: Morningstar. Dados em euros. Categoria: Sector Equity Technology. Data: 2025-02-06