Varenne UCITS - Varenne Valeur A EUR Acc

ISIN: LU2358392376

Categoria Morningstar: EUR Flexible Allocation - Global

Società: Varenne Capital Partners

The objective of the Sub-Fund is to seek an annualized performance in excess of CNO-TEC 5 (the “Benchmark”) + at least 300 basis points over the recommended investment period, by relying on discretionary management. The type of management implemented makes a comparison with a benchmark inapplicable. However, the Benchmark, the constant equivalent rate of 5-year French government bonds, may be used as a posteriori performance indicator for investments over the recommended 5- year term. The Benchmark is the actuarial rate of return of fictitious Treasury whose life would be at each moment equal to 5 years.

Rendimento annuo 1 anno 3 anni 5 anni Inizio 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Rendimento annuo: Fondo 1 anno: 8,54 3 anni: 2,44 5 anni: 5,55 Inizio: 6,93 2024: 3,49 2023: 12,13 2022: -16,34 2021: 19,55 2020: 10,55
Rendimento annuo: Categoria 1 anno: 8,42 3 anni: 0,80 5 anni: 2,72 Inizio: - 2024: 2,98 2023: 8,26 2022: -12,16 2021: 9,69 2020: 2,21
Rendimento annuo: Percentile 1 anno: 17,00 3 anni: 17,00 5 anni: 11,00 Inizio:- 2024: 9,00 2023: 18,00 2022: 79,00 2021: 9,00 2020: 10,00
Rischio Volatilità Sharpe Ratio Correlazione Beta Alfa Tracking error Info Ratio
Rischio: 3 anni 1 Volatilità: 10,61 3 Sharpe Ratio: 0,35 5 Correlazione: 79,45 Beta: 0,98 Alfa: 1,36 Tracking error: 6,38 Info Ratio: 0,18
Fonte: Morningstar. Dati in euros. Categoria: EUR Flexible Allocation - Global. Data: 2024-04-26
Fonte: Morningstar. Dati in euros. Categoria: EUR Flexible Allocation - Global. Data: 2024-04-26