The fund, expressed in EURO, aims to preserve capital and provide a stable growth over a full investment cycle. The Investment Manager aims to invest, within the limitations listed below, the assets of the sub-fund into equities, bonds and money market instruments in anticipation of up and down market movements. The investments will be made in a wide range of transferable securities and money market instruments. Within the general investment restrictions, the sub-fund invests in all permissible types of asset classes such as equity related securities, debt securities, and derivatives.

Rendimento annuo 1 anno 3 anni 5 anni Inizio 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
Rendimento annuo: Fondo 1 anno: 0,83 3 anni: -1,44 5 anni: 0,37 Inizio: 0,76 2025: 2,08 2024: 1,04 2023: 0,59 2022: -9,16 2021: 9,60
Rendimento annuo: Categoria 1 anno: 10,90 3 anni: 3,48 5 anni: 3,62 Inizio: - 2025: 2,22 2024: 8,95 2023: 8,26 2022: -12,16 2021: 9,69
Rendimento annuo: Percentile 1 anno: 98,00 3 anni: 95,00 5 anni: 89,00 Inizio:- 2025: 62,00 2024: 95,00 2023: 94,00 2022: 30,00 2021: 48,00
Rischio Volatilità Sharpe Ratio Correlazione Beta Alfa Tracking error Info Ratio
Rischio: 3 anni 1 Volatilità: 7,23 3 Sharpe Ratio: -0,50 5 Correlazione: 70,36 Beta: 0,59 Alfa: -4,90 Tracking error: 6,12 Info Ratio: -0,94
Fonte: Morningstar. Dati in euros. Categoria: EUR Flexible Allocation - Global. Data: 2025-02-05
Fonte: Morningstar. Dati in euros. Categoria: EUR Flexible Allocation - Global. Data: 2025-02-05