The Sub-fund's investment objective is to deliver an absolute, constant return decorrelated from the financial markets by means of dynamic “long/short equity” investment management. The investment strategy is the “long/short equity” strategy. It consists of simultaneously managing a portfolio of long positions on companies judged to be undervalued and a portfolio of short positions on companies judged to be overvalued. Long positions are taken either via the direct purchase of equities, or using derivatives, traded over the counter or on the listed market such as swaps, CFDs (Contract For Difference) or forward contracts that can provide exposure on long position for a value, a sector or a general index. The target gross exposure of the long portfolio evolves between 150% and 200% of the Sub-fund’s net assets.
Rendimento annuo |
1 anno |
3 anni |
5 anni |
Inizio |
2025 |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
Rendimento annuo: Fondo |
1 anno: 13,96 |
3 anni: 5,38 |
5 anni: 5,25 |
Inizio: 5,30 |
2025: 1,30 |
2024: 11,49 |
2023: 5,05 |
2022: -0,10 |
2021: -3,19 |
Rendimento annuo: Categoria |
1 anno: 8,79 |
3 anni: 5,78 |
5 anni: 5,53 |
Inizio: -
| 2025: 0,68 |
2024: 4,79 |
2023: 1,70 |
2022: -1,70 |
2021: 1,98 |
Rendimento annuo: Percentile |
1 anno: 10,00 |
3 anni: 20,00 |
5 anni: 24,00 |
| 2025: 10,00 |
2024: 10,00 |
2023: 30,00 |
2022: 41,00 |
2021: 82,00 |
Rischio |
Volatilità |
Sharpe Ratio |
Correlazione |
Beta |
Alfa |
Tracking error |
Info Ratio |
Rischio: 3 anni |
1 Volatilità: 6,03 |
3 Sharpe Ratio: 0,54 |
5 Correlazione: 38,95 |
Beta: 0,37 |
Alfa: 4,17 |
Tracking error: 6,82 |
Info Ratio: 0,88 |
Fonte: Morningstar.
Dati in euros.
Categoria: Equity Market Neutral EUR. Data: 2025-01-17
Fonte: Morningstar.
Dati in euros.
Categoria: Equity Market Neutral EUR. Data: 2025-01-17