Obtain, over a recommended investment horizon of three years, a performance, net of fees, above that of the fund's reference indicator, composed o f20% capitalised €STER, 40% MSCI AC WORLD NR (USD) index and 40% ICE BofA Global Government Bond Index. The fund seeks to invest sustainably and applies a socially responsible investment approach. Main performance drivers are as follows: (i) Equities: at least 25% of the fund's net assets are invested in equities, a maximum of 50% of its net assets are exposed to international equities (all cap, without restrictions in terms of sector or region, with up to 25% of net assets exposed to emerging countries, with a maximum of 10% in the Chinese domestic market (common limit including equities, debt securities and money market instruments on China's domestic market); (ii) Fixed income products: at least 40% of the fund's net assets are invested in fixed and/or floating rate government and/or corporate bonds and money market instruments.
Rentabilidade anual |
1 ano |
3 anos |
5 anos |
Início |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
Rentabilidade anual: Fundo |
1 ano: 10,44 |
3 anos: -0,21 |
5 anos: 2,38 |
Início: 6,57 |
2024: 7,27 |
2023: 2,20 |
2022: -9,38 |
2021: -0,88 |
2020: 12,40 |
Rentabilidade anual: Categoria |
1 ano: 13,48 |
3 anos: 1,42 |
5 anos: 3,49 |
Início: -
| 2024: 11,22 |
2023: 8,34 |
2022: -12,94 |
2021: 9,41 |
2020: 2,37 |
Rentabilidade anual: Percentil |
1 ano: 77,00 |
3 anos: 89,00 |
5 anos: 71,00 |
| 2024: 77,00 |
2023: 97,00 |
2022: 16,00 |
2021: 99,00 |
2020: 3,00 |
Risco |
Volatilidade |
Rácio de Sharpe |
Correlação |
Beta |
Alfa |
Tracking error |
Rácio de informação |
Risco: 3 anos |
1 Volatilidade: 6,67 |
3 Rácio de Sharpe: -0,39 |
5 Correlação: 66,94 |
Beta: 0,51 |
Alfa: -3,31 |
Tracking error: 6,40 |
Rácio de informação: -0,63 |
Fonte: Morningstar.
Dados em euros.
Categoria: EUR Moderate Allocation - Global. Data: 2024-12-06
Fonte: Morningstar.
Dados em euros.
Categoria: EUR Moderate Allocation - Global. Data: 2024-12-06