The Fund’s objective is total return, measured in U.S. dollars. The Fund invests in a combination of equity securities and debt instruments of issuers located in developed and emerging market countries. Historically the Fund has invested approximately 60% of its assets in equity securities and 40% of its assets in debt instruments, but these allocations may vary generally between 50% and 75% in equity securities and 25% and 50% in debt instruments. The Fund generally focuses its equity investments in larger companies it believes to be undervalued compared to their perceived worth (value companies), and normally invests a portion of its assets in income-producing equity securities. Equity investments are selected primarily based on fundamental analysis of individual issuers and instruments, which may consider quantitative screening tools.

Rentabilidade anual 1 ano 3 anos 5 anos Início 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
Rentabilidade anual: Fundo 1 ano: 10,86 3 anos: 4,60 5 anos: 4,22 Início: 4,52 2025: 2,34 2024: 9,74 2023: 5,29 2022: -5,85 2021: 15,54
Rentabilidade anual: Categoria 1 ano: 14,80 3 anos: 6,37 5 anos: 4,94 Início: - 2025: 2,64 2024: 14,65 2023: 6,60 2022: -8,53 2021: 15,46
Rentabilidade anual: Percentil 1 ano: 90,00 3 anos: 81,00 5 anos: 58,00 Início:- 2025: 43,00 2024: 93,00 2023: 67,00 2022: 25,00 2021: 50,00
Risco Volatilidade Rácio de Sharpe Correlação Beta Alfa Tracking error Rácio de informação
Risco: 3 anos 1 Volatilidade: 8,96 3 Rácio de Sharpe: -0,25 5 Correlação: 96,20 Beta: 1,19 Alfa: -2,87 Tracking error: 3,89 Rácio de informação: -0,81
Fonte: Morningstar. Dados em euros. Categoria: USD Moderate Allocation. Data: 2025-02-12
Fonte: Morningstar. Dados em euros. Categoria: USD Moderate Allocation. Data: 2025-02-12